How should we talk about change?

A better world isn’t just possible, it’s desirable. And that’s how we should frame a lot of our conversations around making a greater Auckland. As an example take urban climate action. A climate friendly Auckland: Is free from congestion Enables people to travel how they choose Is filled with green spaces Has clean air Allows people to live near amenities, work, and their community.…

First section of Te Ha Noa Opens

Something definitely worth celebrating is the opening of the first section of Te Hā Noa, the Victoria St Linear Park. As we highlighted eight years ago, this project is vital for helping move the thousands of people that will pour out of the Te Waihorotiu station once the CRL opens.…

Talk Wellington takes a pause

A couple of weeks ago we reported in our Weekly Roundup that sister site Talk Wellington/ Kōrero Shaping Wellington – the hub of urbanist discussion and action for our capital – was going into hiatus after seven years. With kind permission, we’re reposting in full the farewell post by TalkWelly founder Isabella Cawthorn.…

A vision for Swimmable Cities

This is a guest post by Nikki Goodson, a self-proclaimed urbanist and Independent Marketer for businesses building a better world. Looking for projects to connect on, she found the global movement Swimmable Cities and thought advocacy for urban swimming sounded like a pretty good idea.…