AT’s Capital Programme for 2023/24
Today is Auckland Transport’s board meeting and there’s a lot on the agenda. Yesterday Jolisa covered the latest from the Great North Rd saga, and today it’s AT’s budget for the next financial year.
Next week the central and local government starts a new financial year.…
The Cost of Cars
This is a guest post from Cameron Pitches is the former Convenor for the Campaign for Better Transport. These days he’s the Technology Manager at PortConnect It should be a surprise to nobody that cars are expensive to own and operate.…
Reducing the costs of PT projects
Over the last decade or so we’ve seen our governments far more to build (or at least talk about building) a proper rapid transit network for Auckland. Yet over the same time we’ve also seen the costs to deliver such a network dramatically increase to become some of the most expensive projects per km in the world, for example, as we’ve covered before, even the Auckland light rail team’s surface option was 2-6 times more expensive per km that is achieved in most cities overseas.…
2023 – The Year Ahead
Welcome to 2023. After wrapping up 2022 before Christmas, here’s a look at some of the things we can expect to see and will be watching for this year. Public Transport
Public Transport Disruption
Disruption to our PT network dominated much of last year, first with the driver shortages then with news of the planned rail network shutdowns, the first of which is now underway. …
Mapping changes in Auckland’s youngish adult population
This is a guest post by Aaron Schiff, a freelance economist and data scientist. A version of this post originally appeared on his blog. Many people aged in their 20s and 30s are leaving home, entering and/or completing education, are at the beginning of their working lives, and possibly starting families.…
June AT Board Meeting
Today the AT board meet again and here are the highlights from their board reports. You can also watch the open session of the meeting live between 9am and 10:15am via this Microsoft Teams link. Closed Agenda
Below are the most interesting items from the closed agenda.…
“No, Minister”
This is a guest post by sustainable transport and accessibility advocate Tim Adriaansen
Following the Liberate the Lane rally on May 30th last year, Transport Minister Michael Wood wrote to Waka Kotahi Chair Brian Roche, requesting the transport agency investigate options to trial walking and cycling across the Auckland Harbour Bridge.…
2021 – A Year in Review
With the year quickly drawing to a close it’s time for a quick wrap up the most important things that happened and WOW, what a year it’s been.
Thank you to everyone who has visited the blog and supported us in making Auckland greater.…
DIY Safety
Tactical urbanism is in the air at the moment. In case you’re not familiar with the concept, tactical urbanism is a design strategy that involves testing changes to spaces temporarily before permanent solutions are built. It’s a cost-effective way of trying things out without many expensive hours of design, planning and construction.…
AT’s latest PT and Bike Numbers
It’s been a while since we’ve seen how public transport and bike numbers have been tracking but yesterday Auckland Transport finally updated them. I’ve been waiting for these as we’re now over a year since the pandemic struck and lockdown resulted in dramatic changes to how we work and travel.…
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