Make it make sense: why axe valuable local projects?
Last week, Matt looked at how the government wants to pour a huge chunk of civic infrastructure funding for a generation into one mega-road up North, at huge cost and huge opportunity cost.
A smaller but no less important feature of the National Land Transport Plan devised by Minister of Transport Simeon Brown is what the government has chosen not to invest in.…
In praise of alleyways and paths through parks
The Waitematā Local Board is currently consulting on the cutely named Local Active Modes Plan (aka LAMP), which aims to illuminate a programme of quick wins for walking and cycling. There’s a nifty drop-a-pin map here. Get in quick – consultation closes tomorrow, Friday 31 May, presumably at midnight.…
Groundhog Day: will AT finally do the right thing on Great North Road?
Update: The AT Board approved this project! See nice write-up here by Simon Wilson. Onwards! Tuesday 27 June is Groundhog Day for the Auckland Transport Board, which finds itself at a self-imposed crossroads on Great North Rd.
The Board can finally green-light the design it first approved for construction back in October 2021, after what has been an extraordinary process of delay.…
Whatever happened to AT’s “Statements of Imagination”?
Once upon a time, our city dared to dream – and dared us all to dream, with the encouragement and examples of other cities just like ours – of what Auckland could be. If we slipped free of old shackles and bad habits.…
Kidical Mass: the future on wheels
This post began as a thread over on Twitter, where it struck a chord. All I did was share some thoughts and photos from last weekend’s lovely Kidical Mass bike ride (hosted by Bike Auckland under the banner of Biketober and the inaugural Auckland Climate Festival)… and it really took off.…
Bikes vs cars (per capita)
As the saying goes, ‘Bikes Are Climate Action‘. Using bikes for short trips is a key part of how we can cut down on unnecessary driving in order to lower emissions. But you still hear people in New Zealand doubting how ready we are to seize this opportunity.…
A tale of two paths
Two major new shared paths have opened in the last couple of weeks, excellent news for Aucklanders who like to walk, bike, scoot, roll, and otherwise get around in the fresh air: Section 2 of the Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive project, between Ōrakei Basin and St John’s Road
The New Lynn to Avondale path, connecting the two suburbs and their train stations The freshly completed GI2TD Section 2 is 2.65km long, and New Lynn to Avondale is 2.9km.…
Time to end our safer speeds experiment?
It’s important to give credit where it’s due. Auckland Transport’s Safer Speeds team deserves credit for a life-saving intervention that’s been flying under the radar, even as news headlines highlight the ongoing avoidable and heartbreaking harm to people just trying to get where they’re going.…
From newsflash to carwash: climate coverage in the media
Last weekend’s Mediawatch story by Hayden Donnell – it’s really good, please do make time to read it – zoomed in on a particular paradox of our media at the moment.
Which is: while climate change is the overriding story, anything that makes the tiniest progress towards addressing it – like, say, swapping a handful of parking spaces for bus or bike lanes – is still presented as “controversial”.…
Wanted: Change Agent
The job advertisement for new CEO of Auckland Transport was posted on Monday, with a closing date of 31 March 2022. Just ten days to get your CV together or shoulder-tap your ideal candidates!
Here’s the role in a nutshell:
AT is seeking an exceptional Chief Executive to lead the organisation.…
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