Shifting Freight from Road to Rail
There is talk – from a number of quarters – about shifting some of our freight from road to rail. What would this involve?
To move forward, we need to look back for a moment. What was the freight sector like in New Zealand a dozen years ago?…
Lifting our game for systems change – project by project
Today, Auckland Transport is running two “community participation sessions”:
Through an independent facilitator, these sessions will delve into the pros and cons of options that physically separate cycle and vehicle lanes, incorporating your feedback and ideas, enabling us to collectively reach a solution.…
Temporary Traffic Management for a better city
Disruption in our transport corridors is a given. Annoying though it is, it’s also a gift, because it can be managed in a way that delivers climate action, and makes life easier and safer for the most vulnerable people on our road.…
Vote, March and Motivate
It’s people who will make our city a nicer place to live, work, care, play – and move around.
People – with clever minds, holding a vision of a beautiful, thriving city.
People – whose commitment to each other creates a better home for all of us.…
Activity Classes are not the Strategic Direction
Streets so safe that getting around by bike is easy, children are independent, and our elderly can move around town without feeling stressed. Public transport so attractive that no one ever feels forced to drive. A transport system that becomes gradually less expensive to operate, and more environmentally sustainable, as it is improved over time.…
Turning over a new leaf
It is significant. It is a significant day for our city. It’s a significant decision. It gives us the strategy and policy and direction that we’ve been asking for. – Richard Hills, Chair of the Auckland Council Environment and Climate Change Committee
On Thursday last week, Auckland Council adopted the Transport Emissions Reductions Pathway (TERP).…
Penlink To Start
Waka Kotahi recently announced the construction partners for building Ō Mahurangi Penlink, a massive new $830 million, 7 km road through farmland and coastal environment to the Whangaparāoa Peninsula. This comes after the government gave their final approval to the project at the start of the month.…
Would AT Rethink the Eastern Busway?
Auckland Transport could start reallocating road space as a standard design solution – but may need the Board’s help.
Waka Kotahi, Auckland Council and the Auckland Transport Board have all directed Auckland Transport to improve active and public transport options by reallocating roadway space.…
A Proposition for East Auckland
I cycled along the Eastern Busway from Panmure to Pakuranga on Friday. It is a nice cycleway: comfortable, intuitive, and with some nice views, particularly from the bridge.
The busway looked inviting, too – smooth and efficient. I love buses.
It was all surprisingly… short, though.…
A New Commissioner for Active Travel
Waka Kotahi’s leadership have been defending the need for investment in cycling. Good on them.
At the Waka Kotahi Annual Review, MPs asked about the high per km cost that Auckland Transport uses for cycling infrastructure. In reply, General Manager Transport Services, Brett Gliddon, gave an excellent explanation of the difference in cost between reallocation of road space and building new infrastructure:
cycleways are delivered in two key strategic ways.…
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