Are we there yet?
I’m often still really shocked by some of the attitudes against diversifying the workforce in our urban industries.
In July 2018, Manglin Pillay, CEO of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering published this disturbing piece of writing, that clearly demonstrates why we need more women in our urban industries.…
Meri Kirihimete! Please help save our streets this Christmas!
Before you go off on holiday, we need your help to save the new street and town upgrade in Grey Lynn, and bike lanes everywhere….
TAKE 30 SECONDS TO SAVE OUR SAFE STREETS Last year, you and 1200 people like you helped us support making Grey Lynn a calmer, more pleasant place to be.…
Vision Zero: A conversation with Women in Urbanism
Dr Matts-Åke Belin from Vision Zero has kindly offered to speak to Women in Urbanism Aotearoa, before his presentation at Auckland Conversations next Wednesday. Matts-Åke, along with a panel of Auckland urbanists, will be discussing Vision Zero principles and goals, and how they can deliver more inclusive and diverse public spaces, places and mobility that meets the needs of all Aucklanders.…
Sunday reading 15 October 2017
In the last few weeks we’ve seen a lot of engagement on the topic of housing, so I thought I’d share the perspectives of a few young women doing the mahi in this space.
Firstly, Women in Urbanism Aotearoa and Generation Zero’s Greer Rassmussen wrote a case for housing density in the face of climate change for the Climathon.…
Why “Designing Cities for Women” should be a thing
This is a guest post from Emma, one of the founders of Women in Urbanism Aotearoa
Cities are meant to be our greatest invention, where people can thrive, prosper and be happier because of close proximity to other people – the closer to your neighbours you live, the more tolerant, innovative and connected you’re supposed to be.…