About Greater Auckland

Greater Auckland Inc. was established in 2015 to provide evidence-based commentary and encourage informed debate on transport and urban form issues. Our work is volunteer-led and powered by our guiding vision of Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau becoming a better place to live in, to move around, and to connect with others.

The Greater Auckland website began in 2008 as the “Auckland Transport Blog”, later simply “TransportBlog”. We’re not associated in any way with Auckland Transport.

All content hosted by Greater Auckland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Who runs Greater Auckland?

Matt Lowrie – Director and Spokesperson

Matt has been writing for Greater Auckland since December 2010, contributing well over 3,500 posts over the past 13+ years. Outside Greater Auckland, Matt works as a data analyst in the insurance industry and lives in West Auckland with his wife and two young children.

Patrick Reynolds – Director and Spokesperson

Patrick has recently rejoined Greater Auckland after four years on the board of Waka Kotahi. Currently Patrick is deputy chair of the Council’s City Centre Advisory Panel, a director of Urban Auckland, and the Big Street Bikers Advisory Board. Outside of urbanism and governance Patrick is an Architectural photographer and artist. He is currently working on a book on the architecture of Dunedin, with writer John Walsh, for Massey University Press.

Jolisa Gracewood – Editor

Jolisa has a background in non-profit advocacy and communications, and a PhD in Comparative Literature (which makes her comparatively literate). Having lived in small towns and large cities in Aotearoa, North America and Japan, she’s a fan of places that make space for children, bicycles, and trees.

Connor Sharp – Writer

Connor recently graduated with a MSc in Geography, and is interested in the relationship of urban spaces to policy, politics, and people. He has experience in campaigning and advocacy, and would love to see a greener, more liveable Auckland.

Scott Caldwell – Writer

Scott focuses on the intersection of housing affordability, climate, and infrastructure, and is a spokesperson for the Coalition for More Homes.

Other people contribute from time to time, and we are always open to guest posts – if you have an idea to share, take a look at our user guidelines and get in touch.


Greater Auckland has a policy of only publishing or discussing information that is either:

  • already available in the public domain, or
  • willingly provided by agencies or individuals as the owners of the intellectual property, or
  • supplied to contributors under the provisions of the Official Information Act or Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act, or
  • original research.

We do our best to ensure the accuracy of our information, but it should be regarded as a general guide only. We disclaim any liability that may arise from any person acting on any information published on this website.

The opinions expressed in posts are solely the opinions of the individuals writing, at a particular point in time. They are not the opinions of Greater Auckland, or of any organisations with which the authors are affiliated.

If you’d like to get in touch, please send a message using our contact form.