2023 Election transport policies we’d like to see
Today we’re just 75 days away from the next election and the parties are about to start pumping our their various transport policies. With that in mind, I thought I’d lay out our thoughts on what a good transport policy might be.…
Weekly Roundup 28-July-2023
Welcome to the end of another wet winter week. Does it help to know it’s less than five months till Christmas? Our feature image this week is a moody Karangahape Road in the rain, courtesy of Scott Caldwell. The Week In Greater Auckland Tuesday’s post by Matt dug into recent stats on travel into and around the city centre.…
The Pothole Blame Game
Potholes have become an election issue with both National and Labour blaming each other for the state of our roads.
For its part, National have created a $500 million Pothole Repair Fund
Asked whether this was a political gimmick Brown said: “Not at all, this is a reality of our roads being in the worst state they’ve ever been and the need for us to be investing in making sure that they are safe to drive on so we can keep our economy moving.”…
City Centre Transport Update – July-23
Last week Auckland Transport gave an update to the council’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee on city centre transport operations. You can watch the presentation here, along with questions from Councillors, it’s just under 30 minutes long. There were a few things that stood out (including from the attached presentations).…
Weekly Roundup 21-July-2023
Welcome to Friday. Here are a few stories that stood out this week. The Week in Greater Auckland On Monday, Robert McLachlan wrote about the bicycle as climate hope.
On Tuesday, Matt covered Auckland Transport’s proposed new Regional Public Transport Plan.…
The Future Development Strategy
This is a guest post by Heidi O’Callahan.
We currently have an opportunity to change how Auckland grows, and Council wants to know what you think.
Submissions on the draft Future Development Strategy (“draft Strategy” or “FDS”) are due on the 31st July.…
ATs 2023-2031 Public Transport Plan
Auckland Transport have launched consultation for their Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP). The RPTP is an important statutory document that lays out how public transport will develop and operate in the region. It includes Auckland Transport’s vision, goals, policies, plans for PT as well as a description for all services they intend to run and the frequencies they will run at.…
The Bicycle as Climate Hope
This is a guest post from Robert McLachlan a Cycling Action Network board member and a professor at Massey University. It originally appeared here.
What role can cycling play in Aotearoa’s climate action? This question tends to prompt two extreme responses that are so far apart as to seem contradictory.…
Weekly Roundup 13-July-2023
Tomorrow we celebrate Matariki so we’re doing the roundup a day early this week. The Week in Greater Auckland On Monday, Matt celebrated how the Western line is back to full dual-track operation around Maungawhau Station but how it also highlights we still have a lot to do to speed up our trains.…
Con Job: AT’s Connected Communities debacle
Auckland Transport recently cancelled Connected Communities (aka ConCom), a flagship programme launched in 2018 that was intended to deliver walking, cycling, public transport and safety improvements along 12 key corridors in the region.
These weren’t going to come cheaply, with AT budgeting to spend about $100 million per corridor.…
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