Weekly Roundup 31-March-2023
Wow, it’s the end of March already. Here are a few of the smaller items that caught our attention over the last week. We need better trucks
Newsroom reported on a Ministry of Transport report showing just how dirty our current truck fleet is.…
Harbour Crossing Project now estimated to cost $15-25 billion
Big transport news today with the government beginning public engagement on options for the Waitemata Harbour Connections project. This project has had an incredibly long history, with previous versions somehow managing to be incredibly expensive, detrimental to most of the transport outcomes we are trying to achieve in Auckland, and massively environmentally damaging.…
Te Hā Noa to Start Construction
Some good news last week with the Council confirming that Te Hā Noa – Victoria St Linear Park will go ahead and with construction starting on 11 April – though with a few fishhooks.
Te Hā Noa, a renewed Victoria Street, is the next big project in Auckland Council’s Midtown Regeneration programme.…
Warkworth and the Cost of Sprawl
At the Auckland Transport board meeting today a series of papers really highlight the cost of sprawl.
For the last few years, the Supporting Growth work has been looking at designing the strategic transport networks for future greenfield areas in the South, Northwest, North (around Dairy flat) and in Warkworth.…
March-23 AT Board Meeting
Tomorrow the Auckland Transport board meet again. Here are some of the highlights from their board papers. The open session starts at 9am and can be watched on this Teams link. Closed Session
The closed session is typically where the most interesting items are discussed.…
Weekly Roundup 24-March-2023
Roundup is back! We skipped last week’s Friday post due to a shortage of person-power – did you notice? Lots going on out there…
Our header image this week shows a green street that just happens to be Queen St, by @chamfy from Twitter.…
A miracle pill for our transport ills
This is a guest post by accessibility and sustainable transport advocate Tim Adriaansen It originally appeared here. A friend calls you and asks for your help.
They tell you that while out and about nearby, they slipped over and landed arms-first.…
It’s Raining Congestion
Yesterday afternoon it rained and traffic around the region ground to a halt, once again highlighting why it is so important that our city gets on with improving the alternatives to driving.
For additional irony, this happened on the same day the IPCC synthesis report landed, putting the focus on how cities can pull their weight to quickly lower emissions and improve our lives – and the same day our local paper led with a story on speeding up the drive to reduce traffic.…
Auckland Council Draft Budget – an unnecessary backwards step
Feedback on Auckland Council’s draft 2023/24 budget closes on March 28th. You can read the consultation document here, and provide feedback here.
Auckland Council is currently consulting on what is one of its most important ever Annual Plans – the ‘budget’ of what it will spend money on between July 1 this year and June 30 next year, and the level of rates and other charges to fund this investment.…
The motorways are finished
After seventy years, Auckland’s motorway network is finally finished.
In July 1953 the first section of motorway in Auckland was opened between Ellerslie-Panmure Highway and Mt Wellington Highway. The final stage opens to traffic this week with the completion of the motorway part of the Northern Corridor Improvements project.…
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