After the deluge – initial thoughts on the Auckland floods
Over the last few years, it’s seemed like city after city around the world has become subject to extreme weather events that have been made worse by impacts from climate change. We’ve highlighted many of them in our Weekly Roundup series.…
Weekly Roundup 27-January-2023
Kia ora. Welcome to January’s last (!) Weekly Roundup. The week in Greater Auckland
Monday’s post raised the possibility of a Manukau Road light rail route.
On Tuesday, Matt wondered what the outcomes of this year’s rail network shutdowns will be now that the first, from Ōtāhuhu to Newmarket, is underway.…
The Mayor on Light Rail
Yesterday the Herald ran an op-ed from Mayor Wayne Brown titled “The case for light rail is lighter than ever“, and a few things stood out. Here’s a snippet:
However, it’s getting more and more tricky to make a strong economic case for spending up to $29 billion on a single route of Auckland light rail, especially as the cost is expected to further increase according to Treasury’s Half-Year Economic and Fiscal Update.…
NIMBYs go BANANAs over young singles in their area
An editorial in the NZ Herald last week, titled “Nimbyism goes bananas as housing intensifies“, introduced Herald readers to a couple of acronyms that go along with the now-familiar NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard):
“bananas” (build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone)
“cave” dwellers (citizens against virtually everything).…
What are the Rail Network Shutdown Outcomes?
The first of Kiwirail’s big network shutdowns to fix the foundations on our tracks is now well underway with the Southern Line closed between Otahuhu and Newmarket. This is following on from the network wide Christmas/New Year shutdown, during which Kiwirail say that nearly 1,300 people working across 69 different sites achieved: More than 28,000m3 of ballast laid (stones that the tracks sit on)
More than 4,600 new sleepers
More than 2.6km of new rail track
Installation of 16 complex structures, including turnouts and crossovers (which allow trains to move from one track to another) Earlier this week Transport Minister Michael Wood toured some of the work with Radio NZ reporting:
Wood said the projects were part of the Government’s commitment to providing better transport options for Aucklanders, and defended the disruption they would cause in the short term.…
A different Tunnelled Light Rail Option
Following the surprise resignation of Jacinda Ardern last week, her replacement, Chis Hipkins, has said:
Over the coming week, Cabinet will be making decisions on reining in some programs and projects that aren’t essential right now
That messaging is similar to what Jacinda Ardern said late last year and as with then, it’s unclear yet what projects will be reined in.…
Weekly Roundup 20-January-2023
Anyone else suffering back-to-work-blues? We’re battling, but still upright. Haere tonu!
Today’s cover image is of sunset over Tirohanga Whānui Bridge, sourced from Twitter. The week in Greater Auckland
On Monday, Jolisa pondered the fate of AT’s ‘Statements of Imagination’.
Tuesday’s post was a guest post by Grady Connell, exploring some solutions to the rail-replacement bus issue.…
Improving AT’s responses to PT disruption
Disruptions to public transport have long been a frustrating fact of life in Auckland, but the last year has taken this to a whole new level, with the ongoing longterm rail shutdowns with bus replacement services, plus thousands of bus cancellations a day becoming a regular occurrence.…
Rail buses are a pain – but they don’t have to be
This is a guest post by reader Grady Connell. It was originally published (in October 2022) on Today FM.
Road closed ahead. It’s a dreaded sign to see during any journey on the roading network. Seeing this sign usually means bumper-to-bumper traffic and a 10-minute or more longer detour winding through random back streets to get to your destination.…
Whatever happened to AT’s “Statements of Imagination”?
Once upon a time, our city dared to dream – and dared us all to dream, with the encouragement and examples of other cities just like ours – of what Auckland could be. If we slipped free of old shackles and bad habits.…
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