Mapping changes in Auckland’s youngish adult population
This is a guest post by Aaron Schiff, a freelance economist and data scientist. A version of this post originally appeared on his blog. Many people aged in their 20s and 30s are leaving home, entering and/or completing education, are at the beginning of their working lives, and possibly starting families.…
Concerning news coming out of Auckland Transport
This week we are taking a break from our usual Friday roundup. It’ll be back next Friday.
We have all been waiting to see what impact Auckland’s new mayor and council might have on the city’s transport direction. The messages so far have been pretty mixed.…
A visit to Karanga-a-hape
A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to be shown around the under construction Karanga-a-hape station and wow is it impressive. When it finally opens I think people will be blown away by what the CRL team have built.…
A new National Ticketing System
On Friday the government, alongside representatives from Waka Kotahi and public transport authorities from our three biggest cities, announced a new single nationwide ticketing system to replace all existing public transport payment systems such as HOP, Snapper and Bee.
Whether it’s on the bus, train or ferry, New Zealanders will soon be able to use a single payment system across Aotearoa, with today’s signing of the National Ticketing Solution contract with supplier Cubic, Transport Minister Michael Wood has announced.…
Wayne Brown’s expectations of AT
Last week, Auckland’s new Mayor, Wayne Brown, started a new trend by publishing a letter a day on various priorities of his, with mobile phone blackspots on Sunday, Three Waters on Monday and the Port on Tuesday.
On Wednesday his focus turned to Auckland Transport, from whom he demanded a “complete change in approach“:
“You appear to have been focussed on changing how Aucklanders live, using transport policy and services as a tool,” he wrote.…
Flashback Saturday: The next decade
Most Saturdays we dig into the archives. This post by Matt was originally published in October 2014.
Yesterday I had a look some of the changes Auckland has seen over the last decade and as mentioned, here are some predictions for the next decade.…
Weekly Roundup 21-October-2022
Nau mai haere mai to another weekly roundup. Did anyone else forget that it’s Labour Weekend? Well, here we are. The week in Greater Auckland
Monday’s post, a guest post by George Weeks, reminded us that many European cities have had to solve all of the same problems we’re grappling with.…
Inter-Regional Rail Inquiry Submission
Tomorrow submissions close on the Transport and Infrastructure Select Committee’s inquiry into Inter-regional passenger rail.
The aim of the inquiry is to find out what the future could hold for inter-regional passenger rail in New Zealand. The terms of reference below will guide what the committee investigates.…
Public transport in Auckland is beyond a joke right now
This website has spent well over a decade advocating for better public transport and encouraging Aucklanders to use public transport more, often reminding people that while the system needs to continue to get better over time, it has come a long way since the dark days of the 1990s and early 2000s – and that our buses, trains and ferries are probably better than you remember them being if you haven’t ridden for a while.…
Shifting Freight from Road to Rail
There is talk – from a number of quarters – about shifting some of our freight from road to rail. What would this involve?
To move forward, we need to look back for a moment. What was the freight sector like in New Zealand a dozen years ago?…
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