The Emissions Reduction Plan

This is a guest post by sustainable transport and accessibility advocate Tim Adriaansen. Yesterday we received two important and related announcements from Central Government: The first Emissions Reduction Plan, which sets out the pathway Aotearoa will follow to meet our emissions budgets through to 2035 and; Details of the Climate Emergency Response Fund which will be included in Budget 2022, to be announced on Thursday.…

What we expect and want to see from the ERP

Today the government are releasing their Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP), with the details released to the public at midday. The ERP: “will set out exactly how the Government plans to deliver on the first emissions budget. The Minister of Finance will also outline the first investments from the Climate Emergency Response Fund on the same day”.…

A harbour Gondola?

Every few years a new proposal pops up wanting us to invest in a new or different form of transport – invariably that only the proposer can provide. And that’s happened once again, this time with a suggestion to build a gondola over the harbour.…

Congestion Pricing Green Light?

On Monday the government will release their Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) following the release of their emissions budgets a few days ago. A draft ERP was released and consulted on last year and the final version: “will set out exactly how the Government plans to deliver on the first emissions budget.…

Protecting Tāmaki Makaurau’s Urban Character

If twenty-thousand buildings across the city were determined to have exactly the same kind of character, few would try to claim that each and every one is “special”.  And yet, this is exactly what Auckland Council planners are doing. The National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) is a document containing international best practices for developing affordable, accessible, and low-carbon cities, which directs the major local authorities to upzone to allow up to 6 story apartments near to important transit and employment centres.…

Weekly Roundup 06-May-2022

Kia ora – May is upon us but it feels like March, which is a little worrying but it’s lovely weather for getting out and about in the city… The week in Greater Auckland Monday’s post examined the changes proposed by AT to improve bus priority on Maioro Street – and a reminder, if you want to submit on the design, submissions are open until the 20th of May.…

Committing to the CAM-PBC

This is a guest post by sustainable transport and accessibility advocate Tim Adriaansen. Today, Auckland Council’s Planning Committee is set to endorse the Cycling and Micromobility Programme Business Case (or CAM-PBC), which establishes 3 possible investment pathways for cycling in Auckland: The first is a $306 million programme which is currently funded under the Regional Land Transport Plan and is expected to deliver 45km of protected cycleways, including 4 focus areas.…

Unpicking the method behind Council’s SCA assessments

This is a guest post by Anna Michels. Anna is an Urban Designer at HUE in Tāmaki Makaurau. Auckland Council has released its proposed changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan in response to Central Government directions under the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) and incorporating the Medium Density Residential Standard (MDRS) within the Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters Bill that was passed at the end of 2021.…