Light rail veers off course
The government has released the recommendations from the Auckland Light Rail team (ALR), ahead of this being considered by Cabinet later this year. This appears to be a case of trying to gauge public reaction so they don’t end up with a repeat of the Northern Pathway – and that’s understandable given the cost of the options now range from $9 billion to $16.3 billion.…
The Shift to Secrecy is Damaging Transport Outcomes
We understand the government may soon be making an announcement about the next steps for light rail. We have no idea what they plan to announce but given where things are in the process, it will likely either be: the recommendations from the light rail process that will be taken cabinet
that it has already been to cabinet and a decision has been made I hope it’s the former so that the public can start to get an idea of what has been going on with the project before the government commit to anything.…
October-21 AT Board Meeting
Tomorrow the Auckland Transport board meet again and here are the highlights from their board reports. You can also watch the open session of the meeting live between 9am to 10:10am via this Microsoft Teams link. Closed Agenda
Below are the most interesting items from the closed agenda.…
Yes! We can do all those sorts of things.
“We can close the road, we can divert traffic, we can do all those sorts of things.”
That’s Auckland Council’s finance and expenditure committee chair Desley Simpson, speaking to Newshub on the Saturday of Labour Weekend, 2021. She’s right. These ages-old engineering measures are easy.…
Weekly Roundup 22-October-2021
Tēnā koutou all – thanks for sticking with us through week… @%^ or whatever, I believe it’s day 66 of lockdown in Tāmaki. Time is meaningless, and yet – it was an eventful week! Hope you’re all doing OK.
The week in Greater Auckland
We had some fantastic posts this week.…
Who will turn the transport supertanker around?
This article was first published on The Spinoff yesterday. Cool job alert! Waka Kotahi, the New Zealand Transport Agency, is looking for a new chair of the board, to guide the organisation through the next three to six years.
Okay, so maybe this is only cool to a small subset of transport and democracy nerds.…
The Great Intensification
The government shocked everyone yesterday as Minister of Housing Megan Woods and Minister for the Environment David Parker held a joint press conference in the beehive theatrette with Leader of the Opposition Judith Collins and Opposition Housing Spokesperson Nicola Willis.
The only thing more surprising was what they were actually announcing: New Zealand is abolishing single family zoning.…
Improving the speed of our trains and access to them
On Sunday, the City Rail Link reached its latest milestone with the Tunnel Boring Machine breaking through to the Karangahape Station and right on target – awesome work to all involved. When completed the CRL will transform our rail network but it will take more time and investment to fully realise the benefits of the City Rail Link.…
The Entrust Election – Climate, Democracy and Better Streets
If you live in one of these areas of Auckland, someone in your household can vote in the current Entrust election:
As a climate campaigner, I am hoping the election can lead to some better climate outcomes. But I also think the electricity system isn’t served democratically.…
Weekly Roundup 15-October-2021
Header image: Queen St, 1940s. Source – Alexander Turnbull via Auckland History Initiative
Kia ora on the eve of what looks like a few days of solid sunshine in Auckland, perfect for picnic season. Here’s our roundup of interesting thoughts, newsy items and good reads for the week.…
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