A test case for Vision Zero and climate action in Mt Roskill
It’s 2021, and Auckland Transport has proposed yet another “safety project” with no safety for people on two wheels… while wrapping it in wording about sustainable local journeys.
And because it’s 2021, the announcement got ever-so-politely ratioed on social media a few weeks back.…
Shining a Light into some Dark Places
Image credit: Alec Tang, via twitter
Throughout the world, the pandemic has changed street environments – for better or worse, depending on how they’ve been managed.
It’s clear we’ve been extremely lucky with our Government’s response to the public health situation.…
Levin to Wellington, one EMU at a time
This is a guest post from reader William Hall
The Labour Government under Transport Minister Michael Wood has announced a business case on electrification of the North Island Main Trunk up to Levin, to enable an extension of Wellington commuter rail from Waikanae to Levin.…
Everyone Should Care About Urbanism, and Here’s Why
This piece was originally written for Fightback magazine. They challenged me to explain why Greater Auckland’s policy goals – intensification rather than sprawl, and better active and public transport – are relevant for everyone. I was imagining an audience of working-class families in car-dependent suburbs.…
Weekly Roundup 10-September-2021
Tēnā koutou, hope you’ve all had a great week. While the rest of Aotearoa has gone to level 2, here in Auckland we’re still in one of the world’s strictest lockdowns (but secretly still enjoying the low-traffic bike rides). Here’s our roundup for the week.…
Branding our Rapid Transit Network
When the first stage of the Eastern Busway opens in the next month or so, it will mark the second addition to Auckland’s Rapid Transport Network (RTN) this year following the new AirportLink which travels via the fabulous new Puhinui Station which opened in July.…
The National Land Transport Programme 2021-24
Yesterday Transport Minister Michael Wood and Waka Kotahi released the latest ingredient in the transport acronym soup, the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) for 2021-24. The NLTP sets how much will be invested in transport system over the coming three years and needs to give effect to the Government Policy Statement for Transport (GPS) which was confirmed about this time last year.…
Road pricing: a boost for Auckland’s transit?
This guest post was first published by Nicolas Reid on his Linked In page.
The idea of a road pricing for Auckland was in the news last week as the select committee reported back on its inquiry into the Congestion Question report.…
A Low Traffic Neighbourhood by any other name…
The quiet streets of Level 4 are here again. City-dwellers are waking up to birdsong and falling asleep to rare silence. People who need to drive for essential reasons are enjoying magically congestion-free journeys. And in our neighbourhoods, we’re once again seeing the everyday world through different eyes.…
Weekly Roundup 3-September-2021
Kua tae mai a Mahuru – September has arrived, Auckland is still in Lockdown, and we’re happy to see some sunny weather arrive in time for our weekend lockdown walks, scoots and bike rides. Meanwhile, here’s our roundup of transport news and good reads this week.…
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