Nov-18 AT Board meeting
Tomorrow the AT board meet again and the
Closed Agenda
Items for Approval/Decision Northcote Point Ferry Wharf – This will likely decide the fate of the currently closed wharf. It’s noted that John Gillon (Kaipatiki Local Board), Cr Richard Hills and Dan Bidois (MP for Northcote) are attending to speak about this.…
Flashback Saturday: Public transport and congestion in Wellington
Every weekend we dig into the archives. This post by Peter was first published in September 2015.
Last week, I took a look at some new research from the Netherlands that estimated the benefits of public transport for car travel times based on data from 13 “natural experiments” – public transport strikes.…
Sep-18 Ridership
It feels like it’s taken a while but we’ve finally got the ridership results for September and they’re looking positive despite there being one less working day than September 2017. Overall, ridership was up 4.8% on September last year but once normalised for things like working days and events, it actually represents an 8% increase. …
Third Main Update
Apologies It has been a long time since my last post. I have had a little trouble with my health and as a result had to move to Brisbane. I’m feeling slightly better now and hoping that I can get into the habit of writing again.…
Viewshaft E10: “The full cost could easily be double”
This is a follow up guest post from Geoff Cooper, Director of Economics at PwC, on work he’s done looking at viewshafts. You can read the first post here.
I’ve had a lot of feedback on the results of our study into Viewshaft E10.…
Auckland’s City Centre Plans
Auckland’s city centre has been growing strongly with more and more people living, working or studying there. On top of that, over the last 10-15 years we’ve seen a significant shift with more people now arriving in the city centre each morning by public transport than by car.…
Auckland Transport’s Restructure
There’s been some worrisome news in recent days after it emerged that Auckland Transport are disbanding their Walking and Cycling team as part of organisation wide restructure.
Auckland Transport is axing 84 positions and creating 112 new ones in an attempt to change an internal culture it says is based on “avoidance and oppositional behaviour”.…
Puhinui Station Interchange Concept
One of the key public transport projects to be delivered over the next decade is a busway from the Airport to Botany (A2B). While the full busway will take years to be built, some parts, such as an upgraded Puhinui Station and some early bus priority measures are expected to be completed within the next few years.…
Flashback Saturday: Improving Upper Symonds St
Every weekend we dig into the archives. This post by Matt was first published in September 2015.
An interesting idea emerged yesterday from the Uptown Business Association for improving the southern end Symonds St. It’s an area I know well having formerly lived in an apartment right above this part of Symonds St for a number of years.…
City Centre population and employment growth
Over the last few weeks Stats NZ have updated their annual population and employment stats and there’s a couple of interesting trends to note.
In the year to 30-Jun, Auckland’s population is estimated to have risen by just under 40,000 to reach 1,695,900, and as we’re now in October, we’ll be over 1.7 million now.…
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