End of the Line for the Wynyard Tram
Tomorrow the Council’s Governing Body will – presumably – confirm the end of the Wynyard Quarter tramline. A combination of factors, including some changes to the location of key development sites, means that it will cost up to $6.6 million to reinstate the service, which ceased operation back in August.…
Improving airport access
Improving access to the wider airport area has quickly become one of the most important pieces of work in Auckland for the coming decade. But there is not just one project to improve access but a number of overlapping and interlocking projects that have been pulled into what is called the Southwest Gateway Programme
Yesterday Auckland Transport and the NZTA launched the first, of what is bound to be many rounds, of public feedback about some of the elements that make up the Programme and there are three separate and overlapping projects within it.…
AT’s plan to turn PT up a notch
Auckland’s public transport network has undergone significant change in the last decade. The upgrade and then electrification of the rail network, the Northern Busway, HOP and integrated fares, and most recently the roll out of a complete overhaul of the bus network along with a couple of significant bus/train interchange stations.…
NZTA finally stirs into life on light-rail communications
We have been very critical of NZTA’s approach to communications for the light-rail project they’re now leading. That’s because their approach has mainly been to not actually do any communications, and to allow misleading and incorrect statements to generally go unchallenged.…
Flashback Saturday: Notes from Sydney City Centre
Every weekend we dig into the archives. This post by Patrick was originally published in September 2015.
The Sydney city centre is fantastic. It’s vibrant, varied, exciting: And, like all successful cities, full of people. So how do they all get there?…
AT Annual Report “talks a good talk” but we need to see results
Tuesday’s Auckland Transport Board Meeting included a statutorily required review of how they performed for the 2017/18 financial year against their Statement of Intent (SOI). The results are outlined in their annual report, which provides a useful opportunity to take a step back from the day to day news and consider what was, for Auckland Transport, quite a year of change.…
Rail Siding Fund
Though the website is down at the time of writing this article one of the more interesting transport policies of New Zealand First was creating a fund/grant etc. to help fund private rail sidings.
For those unfamiliar, a rail siding for the purposes of this post is basically track used for loading/unloading trains so, for example, a factory will have rail sidings connecting to the KiwiRail network where trains can access the factory and load/unload.…
Kids in the city: housing
This three-part series of guest posts is written by Alex Bonham, a member of Women in Urbanism, who has worked as a Porse carer and is now researching “the playful city” for her doctorate.
In this series of three posts I will be looking at how kids fit in to the city.…
Fullers plan: more ferries
Auckland’s harbours are one it’s defining features and correspondingly the phrase “we should make better use of our harbour for transport” is a common refrain we hear in Auckland. Fullers want to deliver that and today have released a report titled Unifying the Hauraki Gulf that appears to have been developed alongside ATEED (Auckland’ Tourism, Events and Economic Development).…
The Herald’s Latest Cycling Smear
An article that went up on the Herald’s site last night, and presumably in the dead tree version today, titled “Auckland cycleways overestimated demand to obtain taxpayer funding, says Auckland Transport report“, raises questions about some cycleway projects.
Auckland Transport may have used exaggerated figures to receive taxpayer dollars for four cycleways in the city, says an internal AT report.…
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