Mt Eden bus improvements to go ahead
Earlier this year Auckland Transport consulted on what should have been a relatively straight forward change to improve buses along Mt Eden Rd. It involved adding some new bus lanes, extending the hours of operation of them, amending some parking on streets surrounding the town centre, and lengthening the bus stops in the middle of the village.…
CRL May-18 Update
It’s been a while since our last update on the progress of New Zealand’s biggest singe transport project, the City Rail Link. Here are a couple of quick updates on progress so far, or lack of it in some cases.
Inside the former Chief Post Office (CPO), they’ve been busy transferring the building over to a supportive frame so that they can then start excavation for the tunnels.…
Public feedback on the Regional Fuel Tax
Tomorrow the Council will make their final decision on whether to proceed with the Regional Fuel Tax – which is fundamental to delivering the ATAP transport programme by helping to fund the following projects: As part of the legislative requirements for introducing the fuel tax, the Council undertook consultation earlier this month on the proposal.…
May-18 AT Board Meeting
Today is the latest Auckland Transport board meeting and as I do, I’ve been through the board papers to find the interesting bits.
Closed Session
There’s quite a bit in the closed session this meeting. Some of the items for decision/approval include: Matakana Link Road – Presumably this is AT staff asking the board to approve a 50km/h urban road that’s more expensive per km than most motorway projects.…
New “Central Bus Network”: generally good aside from a couple of big flaws
On July 8th the long-awaited (really long awaited, as it’s now around six years since the new network was first proposed) new network gets rolled out on the isthmus. This will be the biggest rollout yet, and follows previous network changes in the south, the west and the east.…
AA Members Support Light Rail
Auckland Transport has collated feedback on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan from the two weeks of consultation that took place recently. More than 18,000 submissions were received, which is pretty impressive for a two week consultation period. Generally it seems there was good support for the RLTP in the feedback, a stark contrast to the disastrous earlier version of the RLTP the AT Board rejected in January.…
Apr-18 Ridership
The ridership numbers for April are out and they’re following a similar trend to the other months this year. Overall ridership was up 4.4% on last April, however that is in part due to the calendar having two additional working days compared to 2017.…
Flashback Saturday: Is New Zealand getting public transport right?
Every weekend we dig into the archives. This post, by Peter, was originally published in December 2014.
Increasingly, the answer is yes – although we certainly can’t rest on our laurels yet. Read on if you want to know how and why…
I recently read Paul Mees’ excellent book Transport for Suburbia, which argues that high-quality, useful public transport services can be provided even in the low to medium density cities of Australia and New Zealand.…
RONS Review Part 2
Part 1 of this series summarised the history and progress of the 4 RONS projects in Auckland and the Waikato, while this post will cover Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch.
5. Tauranga Eastern Corridor
The Tauranga Eastern Link was another of the faster moving RONS projects and is only the second RoNS to be fully completed.…
Is it time to move past “travel time savings”?
In a recent post, Harriet questioned whether our business cases are being founded on a lie. That lie relates to the issue of travel time savings, which form the heart of the “cost benefit analysis process” that guides NZTA’s transport funding decisions.…
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