Wellesley Bus Boulevard – Learning from King St

A few days ago I discussed the budget blowout for Auckland Transport’s Midtown Bus Solution, the root cause of which was a stupid compromise made by Auckland Transport to the unreasonable demands of the University a few years ago which prevents the obvious solution of linking buses from Wellesley Street to Symonds Street via a useful little slip lane that is hardly used.…

The refreshed Auckland Plan is here

The Auckland Plan is the region’s long term vision and spatial plan. The first version was created in 2012 following amalgamation and it is required to be reviewed every six years, which is now. Today the Council are launching consultation on the revised plan, called Auckland Plan 2050, along with the latest 10-year budget.…

Auckland needs a transport vision

The Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) was been a significant piece of work, mainly because it finally got the former government and council talking to each other, not over each other, about transport. It resulted in some important outcomes, such as for the first time finally acknowledging: that we can’t build our way out of congestion, that the motorway network is basically complete with only limited scope for more widening, and that major expansion of our Strategic Transit Network is needed.…

Re-Opening Mothballed Lines

The new government’s Regional Development Fund was the highest profile part of the coalition agreement between Labour and New Zealand First. Improving the country’s rail network in areas outside the main cities was highlighted as key area where the fund could be targeted: They agreed to create a $1 billion regional development fund that would invest significantly in regional rail and plant 100 million trees per year in a billion trees planting programme.…