The confusing politics of immigration
Immigration is likely to be one of the major issues in the election that’s coming up in September – or at any rate, some parties think that it will be, and are trying to push the topic forward.
Immigration is important for New Zealand in general and Auckland in particular.…
Our lack of walkable cities is helping make us obese
New Zealander’s aren’t walking enough and the design of our cities is largely to blame. That’s the outcome of a huge, international study on physical activity. Newshub reports:
A new study has been released showing New Zealand is one of the world’s laziest countries – and Kiwi women walk significantly less than men.…
More questions raised over CRL future-proofing
On Saturday, The Spinoff published a fantastic and concerning piece by Simon Wilson on the City Rail Link. It comes following an interview with the CRL project director Chris Meale, whose answers to a few questions ought to have the new board of City Rail Link Limited, along with their stakeholders in Council and the Government asking some serious questions.…
Sunday reading 16 July 2017
Welcome back to Sunday reading. The best thing I’ve read this week was a post on Reddit’s Los Angeles sub-forum that outlined how parking requirements make Los Angeles too expensive. Read the whole thing – it’s a fantastic exposition of the invisible costs of seemingly innocuous rules:
EVERYTHING built in LA is defined by parking, whether we like it or not.…
Govt Funded and Toll Free Skypath
Some interesting and promising news yesterday about Skypath A toll-free SkyPath at no cost to Aucklanders
“As a result of discussions with Transport Minister Simon Bridges we have the opportunity to deliver a toll-free SkyPath at no cost to Auckland ratepayers” says SkyPath Project Director Bevan Woodward.…
Political cynicism and lies on migration
This is a guest post by Daphne Lawless. Like all Guest Posts it does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Greater Auckland.
Greater Auckland often posts Guest Posts on Urban Issues such as Housing and Transport from all sides. We welcome all submissions and encourage people to submit on these issues.…
Three Waters Infrastructure; What does Auckland need? – Part 3 – Traditional Stormwater
One the major prerequisites we need to build the houses we need to combat our housing crisis is infrastructure, without it, the development can’t happen. This post is about a highly but often forgotten element of infrastructure Three Waters – Water Supply, Wastewater & Stormwater.…
Government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund announced
On Tuesday, the government finally announced that five councils would get a share of their $1 billion Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF). This is the fund they announced a year ago, open to a handful of high-growth councils, to enable the building of some of the bulk infrastructure needed for new greenfield growth.…
Women in Urbanism – Event
In exciting new news for Auckland, an emerging new group called Women in Urbanism has been formed. We are passionate about cities and ensuring they meet the needs of women as well as our most vulnerable.
We have two major aims
Connecting cities: it’s a matter of scale
New Zealand is a long way from the rest of the world. It takes three to four hours to fly from Auckland to the big eastern Australian cities; over half a day to reach the US West Coast or Southeast Asia; and most of a day to reach Europe.…
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