Kiwirail Structure review promising
One of the more interesting announcements from the budget in relation to transport wasn’t directly about money but the suggestion of a review of Kiwirail’s structure.
“The Government wants to put the rail network on a longer-term sustainable footing. In the year ahead we will be conducting a wider review of KiwiRail’s operating structure and longer-term capital requirements.…
A new direction for state housing?
What role should state housing construction play in addressing New Zealand’s issues with housing affordability and housing quality?
Starting in the 1930s, state housing has played an important role in shaping New Zealanders’ expectations around housing. As Oliver Chan observed in a January article for The Spinoff, successive governments backed the idea that the state should guarantee decent housing for all.…
The Auckland Housing Accord: SHAm or SHAlvation? (part 2)
In the first part of this post, I talked about how the Housing Accord signed by Auckland Council and the government had two clear goals: “increased housing supply and improved housing affordability”. Those two goals are clearly laid out in the first sentence of the Accord.…
AT on their PT journey
This is a post by Mark Lambert – Auckland Transport’s Chief AT Metro Officer.
Public transport is all about numbers – literally bums on seats.
When more people use it it’s cheaper to run and there are simply fewer cars on the road, meaning less congestion.…
Lighting the Bridge
It was announced on the weekend that the Harbour Bridge is to be permanently lit up with coloured lighting
The Auckland Harbour Bridge will soon have permanent coloured lighting which – in a world first – will be powered by solar energy and battery, and can be transformed into special event lighting displays.…
Controlling City Rail Link costs
In September last year it was revealed the City Rail Link’s cost may have increased from $2.5 billion to $3.4 billion. As much as we have strongly supported CRL over the years, and continue to do so, a $900 million cost increase is massive.…
Sunday reading 28 May 2017
Hi and welcome back to Sunday Reading. Here’s a bunch of links I’ve compiled over the week. Please add your links in the comment section below.
The headline image is from the Medieval Fantasy City Generator, by watabou.
Here is an important discussion about how women experience and use the city differently than men.…
Saturday Flashback: “Junkspace: Rem, Lee and me”
This post originally appeared in May 2012.
We know that by choosing to rely on the private vehicle as the primary means of movement in a city we are choosing the single most expensive way for us all to get around.…
April-2017 Ridership
Auckland Transport’s board meeting – where we usually get the monthly ridership results from – is not till late June but they’ve published the April results. We’ve become used to seeing impressive ridership growth on Auckland’s PT network as the numbers for each month come in significantly higher than the same month the year before.…
Budget-17 outcome – Where’s the funding?
So yesterday the government revealed its budget for 2017. So here is a look at the relevant announcements related to Transport
As we expected, the government included funding for the City Rail Link in the budget, but only $436 million so far.…
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