Smaller Consultations – January

Recently I noticed that AT often do smaller online consultations all the time, as far as I know these are not shared widely. As a result I have decided to do a post every now and again on all the small consultations that are happening giving people the opportunity to share their thoughts with AT from Crossings to Bus Lanes to Parking, these are the recent ones Central Wynyard Quarter and Viaduct Harbour, Central Auckland – Speed Limit Change – (Closes 9.02.2017) Change the speed limit from 50 km/hr to 30 km/hr on the area known as the Wynyard Quarter and Viaduct Harbour, specifically on the roads shown on the attached drawing.…

AT Event PT Groundhog

Auckland Anniversary weekend, like many other long weekends, has long been associated with people packing up their car and fleeing the city, usually to beaches in places like the Coromandel Peninsula or North of Auckland. In the last few years in particular, we’ve also started to see Auckland growing into becoming an international city that is able to celebrate the anniversary weekend through a wide range of events.…

Is Auckland too big?

[This was originally posted in unfinished form this morning. It has since been rewritten.] Is Auckland too big? Some people are asking that question. For instance, in a Twitter exchange a while back Radio New Zealand producer Tim Watkin stated: @pv_reynolds Patrick I thought you wanted people off the roads here!…

Tamaki Dr hot mess approved

As well as being one of the most iconic locations in Auckland, Tamaki Drive is home to a number of honours. It remains the busiest place in Auckland for bikes, averaging over 1,000 a day all year and some days in summer months often seeing 1,500 to 2,000 on some days.…

More petrol station changes

Last year, Z Energy bought Caltex New Zealand’s network of petrol stations from global oil giant Chevron. That was a pretty big deal (almost $800 million, in fact). Just before Christmas 2016, another deal was announced. Caltex Australia* has bought the Gull New Zealand network of petrol stations (and associated operations).…

December-2016 Ridership

We normally get our monthly dose of ridership stats from Auckland Transport’s regular board meetings but with the holiday season, the next meeting isn’t till mid-February. Thankfully, AT have already updated their public facing data, which despite not as comprehensive as the board reports, it does allow us to see how we performed in December.…

Time for a national rapid transit discussion

An article from the Bay of Plenty Times highlights one of the challenges facing mini-Auckland Tauranga Rush-hour congestion on one of Tauranga’s busiest roads is returning to levels not seen since the second Harbour Bridge opened eight years ago. Predictions made in 2006 that Hewletts Rd would be congested within 15 to 20 years of the completion of the $225 million Harbour Link project have come true almost twice as fast as expected.…