Odd Compromise for AT Board?

A couple of weeks back new mayor Phil Goff announced that he was considering not appointing councillors to the board of Auckland Transport. Under the legislation that established Auckland Council (and Auckland Transport), up to two councillors can be appointed to the Board, although there is no requirement for this appointment to be made.…

Stunning Lightpath Timelapse

Lightpath is only 11 months old but already feels like an important part of Auckland’s fabric. As of the end of October nearly 200,000 trips by bike had been made over it and many more will have walked it. The path is great by day but perhaps even more impressive at night when then LEDs kick in and dance around, following users as they make their way across the structure.…

Why is ATs website so customer unfriendly?

Yesterday afternoon I noticed a tweet from reader Tina Plunkett asking where she could top-up her HOP card on Ponsonby Rd. HALP I'm in ponsonby, where hop top up? #Reallyshouldknowthis — /ɛkˈstɔːʃ(ə)nɪst/ (@tina_plunkett) November 7, 2016 While this isn’t something I ever look up, I knew I’d seen it on the AT website before and as I had some spare time I thought I’d try and be helpful by looking it up for her.…

What do garage bands and tech startups have in common?

Russell Brown’s Public Address article on the impending closure and redevelopment of the King’s Arms music venue got me thinking. Russell highlighted the importance of certain types of physical spaces for a music scene’s ongoing vitality: What the King’s Arms and the Powerstation have in common is that they are reasonably large rectangular boxes, which makes them ideal rock ‘n’ roll venues.…

Sunday reading 6 November 2016

Hi and welcome back to Sunday Reading. Here is a collection of stories I found interesting over the week. Please add your links in the comments below. UN Habitat III in Quito came to a close a couple weeks ago. Here Michael Kimmelman describes the urban flavour and urgency of the conference that sits in stark contrast to Habitat I which largely focused on conventional environmentalism and improving the rural habitat- “The Kind of Thinking Cities Need“, The New York Times.…