Last Call – TransportBlog Movie Night: Wadjda
This is the final reminder about our upcoming fundraiser event tomorrow night at Capitol Cinema, on Dominion Rd. We’ll throw open the doors at 7:30 pm (or maybe we’ll just open them gently) and the film will start at 8:30. You can order tickets here.…
The Mercury Lane Entrance
Auckland Transport have released a new image of the future Mercury Lane entrance for the Karangahape Rd Station being built as part of the City Rail Link. AT say it is designed so that a development could occur directly above the entrance in the future.…
Addressing Fare Evasion
Yesterday Transport Minister Simon Bridges announced a law changes that will come next year to make it easier to deal with fare evasion. Currently there is a penalty of $150 for fare evasion but only the police are able to enforce it.…
Cities for everyone
Last week new Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was making some excellent comments about cities, now it’s the turn of his wife who is chair of the think tank Committee for Sydney and is a former Lord Mayor of Sydney. She is talking about an issue I’ve long agreed with and have unsuccessfully tried to get some guest posts on.…
Keep Left on Nelson St
A few weeks ago I highlighted the consultation for phase 2 of the Nelson St cycleway. Consultation finishes on 5th October and while I really want to see this project I feel that some parts of it are very sub-optimal and as such encourage you to make a submission so it can be better.…
Transport CBA, housing supply, and the spatial equilibrium
In comments to a recent post I wrote reviewing recommendations from the Australian Productivity Commission’s review of public infrastructure investment, reader Brendon Harre raised an important question about transport cost-benefit analysis (CBA). He commented that: “the benefits of providing a grid of urban transport options (without mode bias) in advance of development in order to keep land, commercial and residential property affordable is not measured”
This is an important issue that’s worth careful consideration.…
Time to cool your love affair with your car?
As noted in the post this morning, Auckland Transport have today launched a series of short videos with the theme of “Time to cool your love affair with your car?” Here are the five different videos all pushing a different alternative.…
Briefing Papers 7: “High House Prices: A Blunder of Our Governments”
AUT’s Briefing Papers initiative has kindly allowed us to syndicate their recent series on housing. The seventh briefing paper is by former Reserve Bank economist Michael Reddell: There has been a strong sense this year that “something must be done” about high house prices, especially those in Auckland.…
Guest Post: Silverdale Buses
This is a guest post from reader Bryce P
As you should be well aware by now, the New Bus Network for Hibiscus Coast is due to go live in late October. This brings a large number of changes for bus services on the Hibiscus Coast, notably the extension of the NEX to the Hibiscus Coast Park’n’Ride.…
AT September Board Meeting
Tomorrow the Auckland Transport board have their next meeting and here’s the information from the reports that caught my attention. As usual I’ve started with the items on the closed session items for approval/decision that look interesting. Northern Busway – Presumably this is talking about the latest plans for the busway.…
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