A very late reminder sorry but tomorrow is the next Auckland Conversations event with the guest this time Mike Lydon, author of Tactical Urbanism.
Mike Lydon is an internationally recognised planner, writer, and advocate for liveable cities.
Mike is a principal of The Street Plans Collaborative, New York – an award-winning planning, design and research-advocacy firm, which strives to create high-quality public spaces, and believes that the key to reversing the harmful effects of suburban sprawl is to promote compact, walkable, mixed-use neighbourhoods.
The Street Plans Collaborative seeks to improve the quality and function of the built environment and increase the effectiveness of multi-modal transportation as a means to creating more competitive and sustainable 21st century towns and cities.
Mike Lydon and his business partner Anthony Garcia are co-authors of the recently published book Tactical Urbanism: Short-term action for Long-term change. Tactical Urbanism is the use of short-term, low-cost and scaleable projects intended to create long-term change.
Find out more about The Street Plans Collaborative.
One thing important to note is the venue is different to normal Auckland Conversations events being in the Viaduct Events Centre. Details below:
Tuesday 23 June, doors open 5pm for 5.30pm start
Kawau Conference Room, Viaduct Events Centre
No way I’ll get there but looking forward to catching it online later.
hopefully a video will be taken of event…