The latest video from the team digging the tunnels at Waterview, this time with the main focus on the spoil from the tunnel which is sent to help fill up the old Wiri quarry.
I guess there’s probably not a great deal of point in showing a time-lapse from inside the tunnel anymore seeing as they’ve already done that a few times and it would all look the same now. As a reminder this is what the inside of the tunnel looks like and the men walking though it help to give a sense of the size of it.
As of three weeks ago here is how far the TBM had progressed and it is expected to reach Waterview in September.
And here are some photos from June which helps to highlight the immense size of the project.
At the Northern End

At the Southern End

Great photos.
Really show the potential of the Unitech site and the Mt. Roskill spur area for redevelopment also.
What a mess with all those flyovers and lanes.
Just another spaghetti junction.
I still find it odd that the concrete plant for the segments was established in East Tamaki, only a close 25km away from the site. 1 truck journey can only move 3 segments at a time to site.
This project is really coming together nicely. I just hope they get the number of lanes right and an adequate feed zone where it feeds into the North Western. From what’s been built so far it looks ok but it’s hard to visualise until the final product is delivered.
It will be fascinating to see how much traffic (if any) diverts around the Greenhithe motorway rather than going through town on the Harbour Bridge during peak periods.
I can’t wait to see Gerry under the big “Mission Accomplished” banner as he proclaims that the motorway system is now finished and we can start spending money on real transport solutions. Like, I dunno…CRL?
I think we all need to be there with that banner as unfortunately the motorway builder’s work is never done with this government. I suspect first up will be extra lanes to CMJ to ‘relieve’ the pressure caused by two extra lanes of traffic added to the existing packed lanes.
We can just run that image of George Bush, as motorway building solves congestion about as well as the Gulf war sorted out terrorism….
I always wondered how they empty truck and trailer units. Very clever.
The concrete plant may have been designed to build other products after the tunnels are finished.
Will there be traffic lights where the flyover lanes meet the NW motorway as has been done with the SH20/SH1 junction at Manukau?
What is the toll going to be? How are they going to administer it? Obviously can’t be pay cash as you enter like at Puhoi.
It is not going to be tolled, From memory tolls were dropped from consideration in 2007
Just around the time we got a new government that was willing to spend cash like water on motorways. Hummm…