1. The last image being what you might describe as a God’s eye view. But I don’t think God would be entirely happy with all those cars parked on that nice new patterned forecourt. I mean, imagine the outcry if the Vatican authorities allowed cars to park on Piazza S. Pietro?

    1. God’s cool with cars so long as there’s a sunroof — He needs to see if you’re doing anything weird. Of course the Pope’s all over this with his bulletproof bubble (which has not yet been tested against lightning strikes).

  2. Like the sculptures too.

    Have the exteriors of the surrounding buildings improved? Last time I was there that diminished the appeal of the square a bit.

    1. No, none of them have been changed, one remains the entrance to a carpark, the rest are in varying states of decay. Several of them are being landbanked with the intention of being bowled and replaced with apartment towers.

  3. That’s my corner of the world, living quite close to the church. I hate having the cars around. Living in the cbd I’ve found I’ve developed some favourite areas. Another favourite spot is Elliot Street. A beautiful place to walk. Again I wish the cars could be banned. Nice having the mopeds there though doing runs for Dominos Pizzas. It’s nice at Stables on Elliot and the back of Smith and Caugheys and the Countdown supermarket. A bustling area.

    Oh yeah, the St Patrick’s area is great too!

  4. I would love to sit in St. Pat’s Square but it’s full of nicotine addicts blowing smoke my way and chucking their butts on the ground as if they are perfectly entitled to do so.
    Has anyone ever heard of someone being fined for this: or know someone who knows someone who has been fined?

    1. I think the smokers are there because the Law has banned them from everywhere else.
      My question to you- is there a rubbish bin/ ash tray around? Smokers use them if they’re not taken away…

      1. Indeed, there’s at least one rubbish bin there. I eat lunch there nearly everyday and it’s packed but never feels crowded. It gets dodgy in the evenings and weekends though. There’s a lot of open space, albeit not really public, at 52 Swanson St (building to the right of the word “before”). It opens onto the square, and that’s where the serious career drug addicts hang out. Dole night is really bad. I sometimes hate leaving my building too late because of this.

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