What Is Happening With Passes?
As Auckland Transport explain in their video on Auckland’s New Public Transport Network , the goal of integrated ticketing is that you pay one fare, no matter how many transfers you make. Indeed, it is going to be absolutely critical to have this in place before the new bus networks are rolled out, starting with South Auckland in early 2015.…
Congestion Free Network Clarifications
Our Congestion Free Network (CFN) proposal still seems to be the talk of the town, and media interest in the network continues to grow (keep an eye on Campbell Live next week). However, there do seem to be a few misunderstandings of what the network is and isn’t, what it will or won’t do, what it might or might not cost.…
Peds Rule
Changing the road rules to favor pedestrians at intersections is something that will transform city life. It will allow people to move around more freely, access services and conduct everyday activities with less intimidation and inconvenience from marauding drivers. In conjunction with simple road markings, it will also help to liberate kids to travel to school or visit friends on their own, and encourage walking as a legitimate transportation mode.…
NZTA makes positive changes to economic assessment criteria
Many of the debates on this blog and within in the wider community about the merits of projects, or lack of them, end up coming down to down to questions of economics. But as Peter Nunns pointed out a few weeks ago in his excellent guest post, most people aren’t aware of the specific aspects that go into the economic assessment
Readers of this blog will be familiar with the notion of the benefit cost ratio (BCR), a figure that compares the forecasted benefits of a project with the financial cost of building it.…
Not so happy feet
I have happy feet, they like to walk, so I often let them wander.
But when I walk around Auckland, dangerous situations are encountered with almost every step. I tell you now: It’s perilous out there. If Auckland wishes to become the “world’s most livable city“, then I’m quite serious when I say that we are going to need to blow things up.…
More details on Dominion Rd released
Auckland Transport have released more details about the proposed upgrade to Dominion Rd along with proposed cycling routes that will be roughly parallel to it.
As part of the Dominion Road upgrade, new cycle routes will be created through quieter streets parallel to Dominion Road to provide connectivity between State Highway 20 and the City Centre.…
Federated Farmers continue to oppose sprawl
There are some interesting comments yesterday from Federated Farmers in a Herald op-ed. While much of the piece was related to farm emissions their relation to the ETS, something we wouldn’t blog about, there was also some interesting comments on land use policy.…
The realities of Puhoi to Wellsford
The sheer stupidity of the Puhoi to Wellsford project might be starting to hit home for some of the residents of Warkworth and surrounding areas as the exact route of the motorway starts to be understood.
Warkworth residents hoping for a link from the Woodcocks Rd industrial area to the new motorway proposed from Puhoi appear to have had their hopes dashed.…
Waterview TBM arrives
The massive TBM to be used to dig the tunnels at Waterview has arrived in Auckland and if you hadn’t seen already, the name picked was Alice after Alice in Wonderland. Here is the NZTA press release:
The giant machine known as Alice that will bore the tunnels for the Waterview Connection, sailed into Auckland at 4pm today (Monday, 22 July) after its three-week long voyage from China.…
Parnell Station delayed
The Parnell Train station has been delayed once again and is now not due to open till April 2015. Auckland Transport has given no explanation for the delay which was announced to a special council committee dealing with the station and its impact on the Domain.…
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