Early last month Matt and I visited the construction site of the new Electric train facility in Wiri under Gothic skies and were very impressed to see how much progress is being made compared to our last visit:

WIRI II_2473

Above the view from the north, the reverse, below:

WIRI II_2308

This shot taken from the new foot bridge seen here:

WIRI II_2255

and here:

WIRI II_2274

It won’t be long now before this stabling yard will be full of shiny new trains:

WIRI II_2306

Inside the main building with its seven maintenance berths, overhead gantries, and whole train jacking systems:

WIRI II_2362

WIRI II_2427

Here’s a bunch of German made jacks waiting to be installed in pits so full three car sets can be elevated at once:

WIRI II_2421All looking very impressive and on target for commissioning as the trains arrive.

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  1. Very nice. Do you think AT would consider having an open day once it’s a bit more complete, for the rest of us to have a look around before it is fully operational?

    1. Second Alex V’s idea. An open day would be a great, (almost) free way to get publicity for the step change the EMUs will bring to Auckland transport. School group visits would be good too.

  2. hey good looking; looking good! I’d imagine this will make maintenance a lot easier than the current arrangements right?

  3. When I look at all the track and points in there I wonder why it is so impossible to provide the southern link into Manuka station

  4. hmm yes who would wait for a direct service every 30 minutes when they can have a service running every 10 – 15 minutes with a 5 minute connection.
    Most people would find the indirect service more efficient as long as the connection was marketed well, and was a nice transfer station at Puhinui.
    Of course there will be a direct bus at least every 30 minutes too.
    Best to wait to see how many use the vastly improved proposed service pattern, then when these numbers build up substantially then look at a direct service.

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