Hobsonville and Beach Haven ferry timetable
Auckland transport have released the timetable for the new Hobsonville and Beach Haven ferry services that start next week. As we found out a month ago, there are only two services in the morning and three in the afternoon. The biggest issue is the cost of the services, adult passengers will pay a cash fare of $12 from Hobsonville and $8 from Beach haven with HOP fares a little less at $9.20 and $6.40 respectively.…
How revolutionary is a focus on intensification?
As the debate over intensification versus urban sprawl seemingly intensifies, there is one assumption that seems to underpin a lot of the discussion – from both sides of the debate actually. That assumption is that achieving most of Auckland’s future growth through intensification will be an enormous challenge, a ‘step change’ from what Auckland has done before, requiring a huge change in mindset away from living in a traditional (mythical) “quarter acre paradise” and towards living in different housing typologies like terraced housing and apartments.…
Water water everywhere but not a ferry to catch
Hearings on the Regional Public Transport Plan started today and while I will probably cover this in more detail tomorrow, it is probably worth addressing the article in the Herald today. Of the more than 700 submissions the one that they decide to pick out is from a ferry company whining about trains, and to a lesser extent buses.…
Julie-Anne Genter tears apart govt’s transport policy
A pretty rollicking start to the year by the Green Party’s Julie-Anne Genter, criticising the government’s transport policies in parliament’s first day back yesterday: That speech just reminded me that parliament hasn’t sat since the findings of the City Centre Future Access Study were released.…
The cost of parking
There was an article in the NZ Herald yesterday about the price of parking in the city centre. This is always a pretty sensitive issue as nobody likes paying for parking, leading to some rather interesting statements.
New Zealanders living in the country’s largest cities are paying up to $32 more for casual private parking than those in smaller towns.…
How should we run trains post CRL?
The release of the CRL designation documents has definitely helped clarify a few key facts surrounding the CRL. One of the biggest happens to be that the Inner West Interchange (IWI) has been dropped in favour of the Eastern link and that was picked up by the Herald yesterday.…
Manukau Golf Club Development
News emerged the other day about the Manukau Golf Club moving to a new location with their existing site having been sold to Fletchers who plan to turn it into housing.
More than 700 members of one of Auckland’s best-known golf clubs are upping sticks and moving south.…
North Shore Rail and the Harbour Crossing
Someone at the Herald must have let John Roughan back at the typewriter because today’s editorial on another harbour crossing appears to have his fingerprints all over it.
No one seems to doubt Auckland will need another harbour crossing to the North Shore within a generation.…
Demolishing Demographia? An alternative explanation
My last two posts (here and here) considered Demographia’s recently released survey of housing affordability for 2013, which concluded that housing in NZ is increasingly unaffordable.
My first post suggested Demographia’s primary findings were not supported by independent evidence, such as alternative “rent-income” and “home affordability” indicators.…
Should impact on land value be part of the cost-benefit analysis?
Submissions to the Board of Inquiry hearing of the Kapiti Expressway project have highlighted what seems to be a pretty critical hole in the cost-benefit analysis process: that the impact on land values of transport projects is simply ignored when it comes to assessing whether they stack up or not – that is whether they lead to an economic gain or not.…
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