Grafton Bridge – Revenue Gathering or Stupidity Tax
I’ve lost count of the number of times this same story comes up in the Herald and about the only thing missing this time was a sob story from a motorist. Instead we get three councillors who think this is a perfect opportunity to try and score some political points.…
Housing Affordability – What matters more: The physical or financial?
This is the first of a series of guest posts from reader Lucy JH looking at housing affordability
The title of this blog-post might sound like a Cleo article about finding the perfect man, but actually it’s about housing affordability in Auckland.…
What does the CCFAS document tell us?
Whoever leaked the draft City Centre Future Access study (CCFAS) is, as Mr Anderson said in a comment the other day, a complete and utter idiot (assuming that it’s someone from Auckland Transport rather than Central Government). After working so hard over the past year to get beyond the differences in opinion between the two parties which plagued last year’s review of the CRL’s original business case, it’s really dumb to spoil this goodwill by jumping the gun.…
Alten and Symonds Street – Destined for a smackdown?
A few weeks ago I wrote this post on red light running.
In my experience the intersection of Symonds and Alten Street suffers from this fairly regularly, especially in the PM peak when vehicles heading east onto Alten queue back across the intersection.…
Reaction to the leaking of the CCFAS
When news like the leaked CCFAS report comes out, it is always quite interesting to see the response from various groups or organisations.
First up the project has plenty of support from Steven Selwood and the NZ Council for Infrastructure development
In the eyes of infrastructure experts, Auckland desperately needs the proposed city rail link.…
How my home fares in the 5 minute pint test
Following on from my post yesterday on the talk by Hank Dittmar, I thought I would have a look at the neighbourhood that I live in to show how it does against the 5 minute pint test. First a little bacground, I live out west nearby the Sturges Rd train station, the area was developed about 10-15 years ago and before that was farmland.…
Young people really are driving less
Another article on changing travel patterns – this time looking at the driving habits of younger Americans:
An April study by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group found that between 2001 and 2009 the average annual vehicle miles traveled by Americans ages 16 to 34 fell by close to a quarter, from 10,300 to 7,900 per capita (four times greater than the drop among all adults), and from 12,800 to 10,700 among those with jobs.…
CCFAS details leak out
Well someone managed to leak a copy of the City Centre Future Access Study (CCFAS) to the Herald as Brian Rudman has an article this morning covering what are likely to be many of the key outcomes from the study. First a brief recap about what the CCFAS is and why it came about.…
“It’s the economy stupid” #2 – Economies of scale in NZ
Why are cities growing? We explored some of the answers to this question in last week’s post. The main suggestion was that the growth of cities has hitherto been driven largely by our desire to minimise transport costs and mitigate the effects of fixed costs.…
Transport Capacity
This infographic from the Asian Development Bank shows excellently why cars are the absolute worst mode for moving people around if you want to have a dense city centre. In Auckland we still devote the majority of the street space we have to them and very little to anything else.…
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