Why do we keep building such auto dependent towns?
It seems that many of our planners and designers continue to be stuck in the past and don’t learn from previous mistakes, even when starting with a blank slate. Take a look at this video promoting Marsden City, a new town being built near Marsden Point that is expected to eventually house 40,000 people.…
An Auckland Metro: Possibilities, Complications, Conclusions
Following on from Nick’s post defining what a Metro system is and why it really is the best way for a city to exploit a rail Right-Of-Way I thought it would be useful to dig a little deeper into this model for potential running patterns in Auckland.…
May 2012 Patronage Report
The patronage stats for May are out, here are what AT say are the highlights: Auckland public transport patronage totalled 71,042,107 passengers for the 12-months to May 2012 an increase of 5,693,317 boardings or +8.7%. This is the first time since the 1950s that 12-month patronage exceeded 71 million trips.…
Our “Tin Pot Dictator” bus reliability stats
As I sat at my bus stop yesterday waiting for the bus to turn up to begin its run, which finally arrived about 7-8 minutes after its scheduled time, my mind wandered onto thinking about the bus reliability and punctuality statistics reported on in every monthly patronage report.…
Commuter rail or rapid transit?
Over the past few weeks the blog has featured a range of posts around the City Rail Link, options for staging stations and whether to include an eastern link from the tunnel to Grafton or not. We’ve also had some discussion from Peter about the merits of converting some of rail system to driverless metro operation, and I’m certainly on the record as advocating a metro style solution for a North Shore rail line.…
EMU Mock up officially launched
Patrick and I were there today to see the official launch of the mock up for our new electric trains. It was unveiled by Len Brown and also present was the Spanish high commissioner, representives from CAF, the Auckland Transport board and many of the senior leadership team who had just come from their monthly board meeting. …
Guest Post – Driverless Light-Metro: The Dominion Line
This is a guest post from reader Axio
Peter’s post on the future of driverless light-metro got me thinking about whether there are alternative alignments where an automatic metro could be used, and I felt that it would be a cost-effective solution to mayor’s vision of rail to the Airport and the North Shore.…
Why is our rail punctuality so hopeless?
A report going to the Board of Auckland Transport on Monday about the hopeless on-time performance of Eastern Line trains reminded me of a pet annoyance of our rail system – and that is how utterly pathetic its performance statistics are.…
Improving Greenlane Station
There are a group of 5 rail stations that are about to have work done on them, these are Onehunga, Otahuhu, Penrose, Greenlane and Remuera. Getting these stations upgraded and means we are a few steps closer to having all of the stations on the rail network up to an acceptable standard. …
Does Auckland Transport now have a Logo?
As Peter mentioned yesterday, it appears that Auckland Transport now has a logo. The image below has appeared on the front of the Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) which covers the projects that AT plan to ask the NZTA to help fund over the next three years.…
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