Taking the Train
Partially because I’ve done my best to avoid the mess that is Symonds Street at the moment (due to roadworks for the Central Connector busway project), and partially because I just like catching trains. I do travel between home and the city, or between Avondale and the city, reasonably often as my work is split between Avondale and the stuff I do for the Historic Places Trust in the city.…
The Howick/Botany Line
A couple of posts ago I talked about the transport issues facing East Auckland. In particular, the lack of rail transport out there has created a part of the city that is incredibly car dependent. It also suffers from very slow bus services, and a lot of traffic congestion.…
The East Auckland Problem
East Auckland is most definitely the most neglected part of the city when it comes to having good transport links. By East Auckland I mean everything east of the Tamaki River – ie. Pakuranga, Highland Park, Howick, Botany and Flat Bush.…
Why Sprawl Sucks
Although most of the world seems to be coming to their senses that urban sprawl is an unsustainable remnant of the late 20th century, it appears as though that battle is far from won in New Zealand. The Auckland Regional Council had put in place a Metropolitan Urban Limit since 1999 that has curbed the previously crazy greenfield expansion of the city (or at least made it happen in just a few places), yet it seems that day after day the ARC takes flak for doing this.…
Auckland’s Rail Map in 2030?
Perhaps this post is aimed at laying down a challenge to our future transport planners. It’s clear that rail needs to play a significant part in Auckland’s transportation future, with peak oil either just around the corner or having already happened, ongoing population growth that will lead to further traffic congestiong and (hopefully) growing concern about the effects of an automobile dependent city on climate change.…
Auckland Transport Ignored by Stimulus Package
After much umming and arring, and pretending that tax cuts are sufficient for economic stimulus, it appears as though the government has finally got around to putting together a proper economic stimulus package to help get us through the rather dire recession that’s going on here and around the world.…
Eden Park Transport Upgrades
In 2011 New Zealand will be hosting the Rugby World Cup, which ever since the announcement was made in late 2005 has been shoved down our throat ad nauseum. Not to say that it isn’t an exciting event to happen, as it will be pretty awesome for New Zealand and Auckland in particular during the later parts of the tournament.…
RMA Reforms
While it’s not necessarily directly related to Auckland’s transport, as my day job is being a planner I do live and breathe the Resource Management Act on a daily basis, so therefore the reforms proposed by National last week are definitely worthy of some sort of comment.…
Why is the Herald Scaremongering?
At first glance of the New Zealand Herald’s leading article today I was pretty worried, with rail electrification and integrated ticketing supposedly threatened by some fairly significant investment losses that the Regional Council (along with the rest of the world) has suffered in the past few months.…
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