Time of Use charging progresses – but will it actually lead anywhere?
On Tuesday the long awaited Land Transport Management (Time of Use Charging) Amendment Bill passed its first reading in parliament and now heads off to select committee for public submissions. This is the legislation that enables Time of Use charging schemes – what’s typically known as congestion pricing – to be developed and implemented.…
Meeting the government’s new PT fare revenue targets
It appears that Auckland Transport have finally realised the trouble the public transport system faces with the proposed requirements from the NZTA to hike how much public transport funding comes from users and other PT related revenue.
In November a discussion document was released that focused on setting new higher targets for the “private share” of funding for public transport.…
Guide: Actions you can take on the speed limit increases
The government is moving into the implementation phase of its disastrous decision to reverse speed limit reductions across the country, in most cases regardless of whether communities want to do so.
In Auckland, it’s a Kafkaesque nightmare, with perverse outcomes all over the map.…
Fixing the Kafkaesque speed rule impacts in Auckland
Last week, Auckland Transport released the list and map showing which streets and roads must have their speed limits increased due to the new Setting of Speed Limits 2024 rule from central government. As things currently stand, none of these changes will be consulted with the communities they impact.…
Weekly Roundup 28-February-2025
It’s Friday and we’re are the end of February already meaning here comes March Madness. Here too are some of the things that caught our attention this week. This week in Greater Auckland On Monday Matt covered parts of a fantastic speech by Chris Bishop.…
Auckland, what is it good for?
Patrick Reynolds is deputy chair of the City Centre Advisory Panel
…and what can we do to increase its success?
Here at Greater Auckland it is axiomatic that cities are, or at least can and should be, forces for good for their inhabitants and host nations.…
Te Hā Noa 101: Victoria Street explained
Recently, Auckland’s Mayor Wayne Brown expressed bewilderment in a social media post about the current changes to Victoria Street in the city centre.
“Welcome to Cone Central,” he says, adopting the universally recognised arms-wide position of exasperation, and gesturing around him at the works under way.…
A drop of funding in the Level Crossing Removal bucket
Yesterday we covered a big part of a recent speech by Minister of Housing and Transport Chris Bishop. One aspect we didn’t cover was about the City Rail Link and his announcement of $200 million towards the removal of level crossings.…
National’s Urbanist Minister
On Friday, Chris Bishop, the Minister of Housing, Transport, Infrastructure and RMA Reform, gave an absolutely fantastic speech to the Committee for Auckland.
As a starter, he really sums up well why we need better cities with this line.
I make no apologies for being an urbanist.…
Live Q&A event with CityNerd and Greater Auckland Thursday 27th February
Greater Auckland is excited to announce we are holding an event at 5pm on Thursday 27th February at the Ellen Melville Centre with Ray Delahanty, also known as CityNerd. Paid subscribers ($15) of the Substack will have access to free tickets, or tickets are available for purchase here at $20.…
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